Our bookshelves offer 38,000 books and manuals, and our magazine section has over 30 different professional and popular science magazines.
For those of you who like to do some school work in the library, or who want to wait in a quiet environment for a class or a ride home, there are plenty of reading spaces for quiet study and small group work.
We would like to remind you of a few more rules that must be observed in the library in order to protect school and personal property and to ensure a pleasant working environment:
- Each visitor is required to check in at the borrowing desk with his/her student card when entering the library.
- Bringing food and drinks into the library and using mobile phones is not allowed.
- Computers may only be used with prior registration and staff permission.
Slovenian libraries in one place. Search and reserve materials in the common catalogue of Slovenian libraries and in the catalogues of individual libraries.
mCOBISS is a mobile app that provides access to information about the materials in libraries.
The Ljubljana School Centre Library is located on the ground floor of the Centre.
Upon enrolment at the Ljubljana School Centre, all enrolled students become members of the school library. S
The same applies to students in part-time education, who enrol in the library if they wish to do so. All employees of the School Centre are also members of the library if they wish to be.
There is no membership fee. All library materials are available free of charge to library users. Late-returning users are charged a fee of EUR 0.08 per day. The funds collected are used to purchase new literature.
Borrowing is only possible with a student ID card or other photo ID and only in your own name.
Students can borrow materials until the end of the school day. They must return it before they receive their report cards. All outstanding library debts are a condition of borrowing materials for final year students who need them for their final exams, vocational examinations or their Baccalaureate.
These materials are to be returned until the results of all final obligations have been announced.
Students who need material for resit examinations may also borrow it over the holidays in agreement with the librarians.
Non-regular users may be denied borrowing until they have met their obligations.
Books: 14 days
Magazines: 3 days
Media (CD-ROMs, CD-ROMs, audiocassettes, videocassettes): 7 days
Loans can be extended for 14 days or more after the end of the loan period, if not reserved for another user. Books for home reading cannot be renewed.
Reference materials (lexicons, dictionaries, handbooks, textbooks, encyclopaedias, atlases) can only be used on the library premises.
Electronic renewal of materials is possible if the library member agrees to a personal password.
Lending periods do not apply to didactic materials that teachers need for a longer period of time. The school staff will check the borrowed material at least once a year in agreement with the librarian.
Damaged or lost library material that can be replaced by a new item is replaced by the user with an identical item. For material that cannot be replaced or is deliberately damaged, the person who caused the damage shall replace it, in agreement with the librarian, with a substantially equivalent item or pay the market price of a new book.
f you want to obtain material which is not held by the library, you can order it from other Slovenian or foreign libraries. The service is called interlibrary loans.
If the lending library charges for borrowing, photocopying or postage, the user who ordered the material pays the full cost.
V COBISS-u izberite znak Moja knjižnica, vnesite akronim SCLJ, svojo številko in geslo.Oboje dobite v šolski knjižnici.
Upon arrival to the library, students are required to show their student ID card or other photo ID to the librarian.
In the library, we talk quietly or in a hush.
No food or drink is allowed in the library.
Students are allowed to use the computers under the supervision of the librarians.
Priority in the use of computers is given to those who are searching for material on COBISS/OPAC and who need information for school work.
- Online dictionaries
- Guidelines for the writing assignments according to ISO International Standards
- Cobiss Search Guide
School center Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Admissions office: 386 1 24 11 664
Director: 386 1 24 11 626
Fax: 386 1 24 11 665